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The Consensus Based Disability Management Audit (CBDMA) is a highly regarded and well-researched tool that can be used by organizations as:

  • An evaluation tool, to determine current disability management program performance.
  • A corrective tool, to establish where program deficiencies are, highlighting remedial actions required.
  • A program promotion tool, maintaining disability management concepts in worker consciousness, and demonstrating management’s commitment to workplace disability management practices.
  • A disability management premium pricing rate setting tool, providing incentives for employers, which encourages adoption of optimum disability management practices designed to reduce costs and disability claims duration as well as lower incidences of long-term disability.
  • A conformity assessment tool, to determine if an organization qualifies for International Disability Management Standards Council (IDMSC) certification.

The CBDMA provides an organization with a number of important benefits including:

  • Providing the tools to comply with duty to accommodate legislation.
  • Reducing the number of days lost due to injuries and illness.
  • Reducing costs associated with short and long term disability assessment rates.
  • Reducing workers compensation assessment rates.
  • Provides the basis of cooperation between management and labour by using the consensus based approach.