About the IDMSC

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Background Information

In 2003, the International Disability Management Standards Council (IDMSC) was established by senior representatives of business, labour, government, and other stakeholder groups from around the world.

The goal of the IDMSC is to reduce the human, social and economic costs of disability in the workplace. To achieve this end, it promotes standards that are international, professional and based on consensus.

The IDMSC includes senior representatives from:

Hong Kong, China
New Zealand
United Kingdom

Two of the main functions of the IDMSC are to:

  • Oversee the global certification process of the professional designations: Certified Return to Work Coordinator (CRTWC) and Certified Disability Management Professional (CDMP).
  • Manage the global administration of the Consensus Based Disability Management Audit (CBDMA) and Workplace Disability Management Assessment (WDMA).

As a leading global advocate of consensus-based disability management, the IDMSC pursues the following objectives:

  • Ensure ongoing development, relevance and application of the Code of Practice and Occupational Standards as well as their associate certification systems internationally, with appropriate national adaptations.
  • Promote IDMSC certification as a balanced corporate values indicator which matches fiscal stability and economic growth strategies with social responsibility and a responsive human resource framework.
  • Foster continued global research, education and awareness initiatives in disability management in order to maintain maximum outcome potential for all stakeholders.
  • Provide leadership in the ongoing evolution of innovative DM approaches, tools and processes which will optimize individual and organizational potential in reducing disability related socio-economic costs.
  • Offer coordination, current access and public recognition to organizations and individuals with valid certifications.
  • Work together and in association with the International Forum on Disability Management to promote consensus based disability management and prevention initiatives internationally in order to reduce the socio-economic cost of disability and improve reintegration outcomes for ill and injured workers.

As well, the IDMSC has a crucial role to play in the regulation and use of trademarks. The regulation and professional certification system within each jurisdiction is based on an administrative agreement with the National Institute of Disability Management and Research, which provides the Trademark(s) licensing framework. These include the disability management program and policy certification mark IDMSC Certified and the professional designations CRTWC and CDMP, as well as related measurement instruments and logos.

The IDMSC annually reviews the effectiveness and impact of the system within each jurisdiction and makes recommendations for changes to license agreements or to international strategy.

IDMSC principles and criteria are defined in the Code of Practice for Disability Management and the Occupational Standards in Disability Management which are the products of extensive research, broad multi-stakeholder, national and international consultations and contributions as well as wide-spread endorsements.

The Code of Practice and Occupational Standards reflect globally recognized optimum practice benchmarks and highest level of values, skills and competencies consistent with the needs of workers, employers and society.